English language text: Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) 6th June Press Conference via Sudan News Agency (SUNA)
The author of this blog was keen to produce an English language version of the exact spoken discourse delivered originally in a combination of the classical Arabic language and the Sudanese colloquial Arabic.
--The beginning--
Mr. Mohamed Abdalhamid
We are delighted and happy to host (3) members from the leadership of the Sudanese Professionals Association [Hereinafter: (SPA)]. As we all know, the (SPA) which successfully assumed leadership of the great Sudanese youth revolution to take down authoritative dictatorship, was also successful in forming popular public consensus never before witnessed in the history and politics of the Sudan. Now, it is evident that we are all following with concern and compassion the developments taking place within (SPA) in addition to the current disputes. We are happy today to meet Dr. Mohamed Nagi Al-Asam, Honourable Ismael Al-Taj, and Mr. Taha Othamn to speak to us about the current developments the (SPA) is undergoing. We assure to you the fact that Sudan News Agency (SUNA) is a journalistic/press platform open to all opinions and directions. We are also ready to listen [and voice through our platform] the other points of view and opinions, if provided by their respective representatives to be voiced through our platform. Once again, we remind you that we were unable to host journalists and members of the press inside the premises of the platform due to the health conditions of the coronavirus Covid19 pandemic – thus, our guests will deliver direct statements. You are welcome, you may join.
Mohamed Nagi Al-Asam
In the name of Allah, the most gracious and most merciful, Al-salamu-alekum wa Rahmtu Allah Ta’ala wa Baraktuh. Thank you very much, SUNA platform. Thank you, Mr. Mohamed Abdalhamid. As Mr. Mohamed mentioned, we meet you today to provide explanation about the crisis within the (SPA) and its different aspects. There will be explanation for all of the aspects of this crisis, its causes, and the scenarios [events] that took place from the time the (SPA) was founded, as well as the time of which the crisis commenced. We will also highlight a proposal for the way out of this crisis, a proposal by which we can maintain the unity and integrity of the (SPA): the body that gained the consensus of the Sudanese people and assumed leadership of the great revolution as Mr. Mohamed Abdalhamid said.
First, we pray for the martyrs of the Sudanese revolution and we also pray for the martyrs of the dispersing of the sit-in… in the memory of the dispersing of the sit-in. Initially, the Sudanese Processionals Association (SPA) was formed and officially announced on July 2018 – it included the total of (8) different bodies. It is important to talk about the nature of the bodies from which the (SPA) was formed. It was formed during unusual times when real organisational grassroots work was not allowed and was faced with violent crackdowns including incarceration and other violations. This is why people sought the formation of alternative parallel bodies, as we all know.
The idea of alternative parallel bodies was initially aimed at creating grassroots support and consensus around shared objectives to be achieved by pressure. This is embedded in Sudanese history, all professionals and professional unionists [men and women] form representative bodies struggled and worked together to achieve shared common objectives and goals. This is the notion that inspired the formation of many bodies from different professions and sectors during the political Islamist ruling regime of 1989 up to the present. These professional bodies gathered together for the formation of the (SPA) in the middle of 2018.
The beginning of the formation of the (SPA) was during the late times of 2016 – we consider this the core of the (SPA). This might be known for most but the formation of the core was the in the meeting that took place between three bodies: the Central Committee of Sudan Doctors, the Democratic Alliance of Lawyers, and the Sudanese Journalists Network immediately after the 2016 doctors strike. The first charter, the draft of the charter, was written in those meetings. After that, several other meetings were held, new bodies were added, and ultimately the official announcement was in 2018. Yes there was a body formed in 2013 and entitled the same name: the Sudanese Professional Association (SPA), but this 2013 experience has no relation whatsoever with the (SPA) founded in the 2018 with its core formed in 2016. This is because the latter is a new body with a new charter, new manifest/regulation, and new announcement.
Nevertheless, it is the accumulation of struggles against the former regime as well as an accumulation of the professionals’ experiences in organisational and collective work. The base of strength for the (SPA) was its ability to represent a wide variety of the Sudanese people coming from different racial and cultural groups as well as a wide range of political views and ideas. This is what allowed the (SPA) to reach out to the Sudanese people and gain their consensus. We have always been keen to preserve it because the (SPA) is the body that represents the majority of the Sudanese people due to its inclusive abilities and the diversity of its ideas and discourse.
As I have mentioned, the bodies that have formed the (SPA) during the mid of 2018 did not take into account the nature of the formation of professional bodies due to the reality of the repressive situation. This is why we may find real bodies born from general assemblies with grassroots and consensus among grassroots while at the same time there may be other bodies that we may describe as bodies without support from real grassroots. Nevertheless, people at that time needed and were ought to gather as much professionals [men and women] as possible. People also agreed to take this path collectively.
This agreement also included that all bodies inside the (SPA) from that time should seek to expand their grassroots and add more grassroots through organisational general assemblies of professional members in all of the Sudan. This made it possible for the (SPA) from the beginning to include among its forming bodies specific bodies that we can deem as representative bodies and/or fronts of specific political parties, or one political party in particular. This was commonly known. We are not surprised now. This was a known reality that we dealt and coexisted with. Nonetheless, the main agreement was that the bodies will seek to expand their grassroots to be representative of more and different political parties’, unions, and political views grassroots. This was aimed at enabling us to develop the (SPA) and maintain its unity and integrity. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Sadly, up to the present moment, this great mission of (SPA) political and political parties’ base expansion was not carried out.
We have always been discussing these issues within the (SPA) and practicing pressure. Agreements were made with certain arrangements in place to hold general assemblies particularly for the bodies deemed to be representing a specific political party base as well as bodies lacking diversity. It is very important to showcase an example of such a body. For instance, one of the founding bodies of the (SPA) is entitled: the Democratic Veterinarians Association (DVA). This body is actually formed out of the Democratic Veterinarians Front (DVF) which is closely connected to a specific political party. The agreement meant for it to work on expanding its base to no longer represent a specific political party in an effort to be inclusive and representative of all veterinarians. This was achieved and a body with more inclusivity and representation for a larger group of veterinarians was formed and entitled: the Preliminary Committee of Veterinarians (PCV). Nevertheless, the new representatives [leadership] of the new body (PCV) never assumed their positions because the Democratic Veterinarians Association (DVA) refused and claimed that it is the only legitimate body representing veterinarians.
This is one example of many other bodies present within the (SPA) and still functioning and working as a front of a specific political party view. Despite all of this and much to our dismay, ever since February of 2019, such serious attempts occurred and circulated to the surface. At that time, we were incarcerated, we heard about it after we were released. These were serious attempts carried out by a specific political party line seeking to mobilise and employ the (SPA) by using ideological branding aimed at serving that political party line agenda. In other words, the political party line was seeking to voice its ideas through the (SPA) by rebranding it. We actually believe that this was the beginning of the crisis within the (SPA).
Nonetheless, in consideration of the circumstances surrounding the (SPA) at that time, in addition to the great missions the (SPA) was responsible for: the leadership of the revolution, we were all very keen to not allow the crisis to ‘explode’ at such times. We tried to maintain it and sought internal solutions using the (SPA) internal structures. This ‘explosion’ of political branding emerged with audio recordings of conversations that were circulating in a continuous manner; the recorded conversations are available on different media platforms. The recorded conversations occurred between members of the (SPA) from different founding bodies within the (SPA). They were coordinating their efforts in a political party organisational fashion with the aim of serving the agendas of the specific political party inside the (SPA) as well as influencing the path of the revolution and so on.
This issue, at that time, was enough to sabotage and completely divide the (SPA). The people worked extremely hard to maintain and preserve the (SPA). At the same time, we were actively in leadership of the December revolution; it would have been a tragedy to allow such division and separation to take place. After the problem circulated to the surface and became known to everyone, it once again emerged in other ‘explosive’ forms.
The agreement was to try and solve the issues internally as to maintain the unity of the (SPA) based on our collective shared understanding that if the (SPA) transformed into a body serving a specific political party agenda, it would not be the (SPA) anymore – it can be given any other name or title. Nonetheless, it will continue to be the (SPA) that represents the majority of the Sudanese people. As I have mentioned, the core value of the (SPA) is within its ability to be representative of a wide variety of people, entities, and political orientations.
Many other incidences occurred during the past period of time and brought severe damage to the (SPA) as well as the revolution and change in Sudan. The damage was done by the very political party we have mentioned with the presence of its members inside the (SPA) despite our agreement to solve the issue. This group of members from this political party insisted on the same practices and activities aimed at sabotaging and handicapping the (SPA). For instance, different several bodies used to issue statements attacking positions or steps taken or carried out by the (SPA). This is in addition to the use and employment of political activists with the aim of using their false testimonies from inside the (SPA) to be used in other battles and conflicts which are false and fake. This is inclusive to the recent disruptive decisions taken by the (SPA) causing disruption to the whole transitional period as well as the all the efforts aimed at carrying out the responsibilities of the revolution.
Some of these include the decisions taken and aimed at disrupting and refusing the peace process in addition to the decision aimed at disrupting and suspending the works of the Disempowerment, Corruption Control, and Asset Recovery Committee (the DCCARC). Maybe only few people know that the (SPA) issued a letter/statement suspending its membership in the (DCCARC), which led to the suspension of the works of the (DCCARC) for a whole month. All of this took place while people were silent and hoping to find internal solutions. We would also like to mention the fact that the (SPA) suspended (or refused) the appointment of civilian state governors which led to the postponing of the appointment of civilian state governors up to date.
Thus, the (SPA) from the inside turned from being productive to being in service of a specific political group as I have mentioned with the aim of rebranding the (SPA) with the objective of serving the agendas of the specific political party agenda. The evidence also includes the fact that the (SPA), for instance, continued to support the current peace process since the beginning of its works in September of last year. The (SPA) also contributed to all the stages of the peace process; sending delegates to Juba, South Sudan and meeting other delegates in other locations. Nonetheless, the disruptive discourse against the peace process was introduced recently, maybe about 2 months ago. Work was done in coordination, statements were issued and positions were taken using the (SPA) just few days from issuing the same statements and taking the same positions by a specific political party.
This shows the connection between the political party members group and the attempts at rebranding the (SPA) to serve the benefit of their political party agenda. All of this resulted in the decline, loss of power, and disruption of the (SPA) on a large scale. This has been our contextual reality in which we existed from the time of the formation of the transitional authorities up to date.
This is an internal struggle and conflict disrupting the (SPA) and rendering it unable to carry out its missions and responsibilities assumed during the transitional period. Honestly, we all practiced upmost degrees of patience and sought internal solutions; we have met bodies and entities, we have met people and figures, and we continued to hold meetings to seek possible solutions aimed at preserving the unity and integrity of the (SPA) as well as the possibilities of reform and conflict resolution.
Finally, before I present the second speaker, I would like to talk about what happened during the 10th of May. This was the backbreaking point. This was the second time for the crisis inside the (SPA) to explode and result in an atmosphere of hostility, or rather an internal division within the (SPA). As I have said, this occurred on the 10th of May after we have held meetings with different bodies and persons inside the (SPA).
We agreed that there was a crucial need for reform inside the (SPA) to continue carrying out its roles again in leadership injecting its positivity inside the Forces of the Freedom and Change Declaration (FFCD) as the very initiation force of the Forces Freedom and Change Declaration (FFCD). Moreover, it has always assumed the position of the linking agent between all of the components forming the alliance of the Forces of Freedom and Change Declaration (FFCD), fostering positive cooperation with the Resistance Committees (RC) and playing positive roles in supporting the transitional government with the aim of following through the responsibilities of the revolution.
The agreement included three main issues, the first issue: the necessity to create a vision that gains agreement from all the bodies of the (SPA), a vision that speaks for the transitional period and the missions of the (SPA) in the transitional period. This is because indeed one of the reasons behind the conflict is the vision itself. There is indeed disagreement regarding the role of the (SPA) during the transitional period. This was one the reasons leading to this very crisis. Thus, it is important to establish a vision in consideration that the (SPA), before the fall of the former regime, was totally united behind taking down the regime as a main objective – it was also united behind the Freedom and Change Declaration (FCD). Nevertheless, after the fall of the regime and the formation of the transitional authority, some differences regarding the direction and path of the (SPA) during the transitional period began to emerge. This was our first agenda: the necessity to formulate a comprehensive vision for the role of the (SPA) during the transitional period.
The second issue: the necessity to reformulate and restructure the general structure of the (SPA) with due consideration that a large number of new bodies and entities joined the (SPA). The number increased from (8) components within a specific structure inside the (SPA) to (18) components. These (18) components (bodies and/or entities) require developments to be made within the structure of the (SPA). Moreover, the very missions and roles of the (SPA) are not the same before and after the fall of the past regime – this requires a development of a new structure and a new bylaw for the (SPA). This should have led eventually to the restructuring of the (SPA) and the elections of new membership from the structures of the (SPA) for the different seats and positions within the organisational structure. Nevertheless, this did not take place. We actually had workshops and meetings aimed at developing the bylaw and the vision as well as forming an agreement on broad agendas.
The agreement also included that we carry out and complete working on the bylaw and vision together as bodies and entities inside the (SPA) as to move forward towards restructuring the (SPA). Much to our dismay, the political party members group sought to bypass all these agreements. They bypassed the agreements made regarding the bylaw and the vision and preceded to the election of new leadership. This resulted in a new (SPA) lacking vision, an agreed upon bylaw, as well as the terms financial reports. This means that the very conduct and experience of the (SPA) during the 2 or 3 years since its foundation up to date was not actually evaluated and reviewed as to determine the negative and positive aspects crucial for the development of the (SPA).
Moreover, objections and appeals regarding the electoral process were not allowed and were dropped from the meeting. This can be reason to consider the electoral process in lack of any consideration for democracy – leading to the explosion of the crisis and furthering the division inside the (SPA). This is in addition to the positions taken recently by the (SPA) which we can consider as positions leading to more internal division, better yet division among the masses standing behind the (SPA). At the end, I want to say that we ultimately seek genuine reform that would prevent us from further division inside the (SPA) and also that leads to the unification and unity of the (SPA) as to be able to assume its roles and positions as expected by the Sudanese masses in the streets, the professionals, and the unionists in building professional unions and completing the missions of the revolution. I now present to you the Honourable Ismael Al-Taj to continue.
The Honourable Ismael Al-Taj
In the name of Allah the most gracious and most merciful, I totally agree on what Mohamed Nagi Al-Asam have said.
Current times are critical for the (SPA) that gained approval of the revolting Sudanese masses across all the neighbourhoods, villages, and cities. The (SPA) must return to what it used to be. Better yet, better than it used to be; this is the main message. I am sure of this because we are in the streets, in the heart of the streets, from the streets, by the streets, we will remain in the streets, and we know what the streets want.
This is why we are keen to maintain the unity of (SPA) as well as the unity of revolutionary forces, the unity of Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), and our transitional government. We will work hard to achieve this. This was our promise to the martyrs; our promise was to achieve the objectives they gave up their lives for: freedom, peace, and justice. We will continue to work on this from any position because this is our promise inside the (SPA). We affirm our complete support from the (SPA) to the transitional government under the leadership of Abdalla Hamdok.
I will say that we did not and we will not call for the fall of this government because it was formed as result of very valuable sacrifices. To review the government and its performance is something else. Nonetheless, we will not call for the fall of this government; rather we will provide it with great support. We would like to also affirm the necessity to complete the formation of authority structures including the Legislative Council as well as the opportunity for more youth and women representation. This is because they have played great roles in this revolution.
This is one of the founding principles of the vision of the (SPA): Legislative Council representation should originate from the grassroots within each region and state instead of originating from within the (SPA). We strongly support the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) as well as any necessary reform needed within it. This is because it is the foundation and the original force. It is the political hub of the government. Thus, it is important to sit down and allow dialogue. Currently, there are a lot of initiatives aimed at increasing the efficiency of the (FFC) to be more responsive to the demands of the masses and the people. By the way, even the very birth of the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) was an initiative by the (SPA). Thus, we would like to maintain this legacy, to be part of the (FFC) and to never get out of it. We will not leave the (FFC). We will not walk alone. The (FFC) will also not walk alone. We will continue to work from within with all national sectors of the society; we will take the same path, the path towards democratic transformation, the path towards building trust. And also building a new homeland, a new homeland where each person gets to live as they may with all due considerations to ensure human rights for everyone regardless of their orientations. This is also in addition to the special economic and social rights we very much lack.
Our vision also supports the establishment of unions. It is important to set a unions law within the required timeframe to establish independent unions with values of professionalism among the people and able to represent the grassroots. This is a very important matter that we will continue to work on without attempts at rebranding the unions for the favour any group.
The peace negotiations in Juba are of crucial importance. Mohamed Nagi Al-Asam spoke in little detail about it. Nonetheless, the (SPA) have always been from the beginning an effective part of the peace negotiations platform in Juba. This is why we will continue to work from this platform unless the parties to the conflict, the mediation represented by the South Sudan government, and the Sudan government agreed on another platform. We support this platform and the discourse of this platform because it is addresses many development issues in many areas which are not considered areas of armed conflicts – this is an important issue. The (SPA) continued to be a main player in this platform ever since its establishment. I was chosen in addition to two other fellow members (a male and a female) by the Council of the (SPA) to be part of the political delegation sent by the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) to negotiate.
Now, all that we hear, watch, and read about the Juba peace negotiations fall short to the expectations of the Sudanese people. The disruption of the peace process cannot be accepted and cannot be allowed. We should seek peace everywhere with everyone regardless of their size and without prejudice. Who said negotiations cannot lead to a just, total, and comprehensive peace?
Regarding this, for instance, I would like to highlight the efforts made in Darfur. A large group of displaced persons representing stakeholders of peace were chosen through conventions held in many displaced persons camps and hosted in the peace negotiations in Juba by the government of South Sudan – these are some of the real stakeholders. Moreover, a group of women from Darfur was present and contributed to the peace process. Another group of women from Khartoum also was present and contributed. These are examples of real contributions, we should seek peace, and we hope for the peace efforts to be complete once Commander and Chairperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement-North (SPLA/M-N) Abdelaziz al-Hilu as well as Chairperson and Commander of Sudan Liberation Army/Movement (SLA/M) Abd Al-Wahid Mohamed Nour join the peace negotiations to establish just and comprehensive peace.
Nevertheless, the role of the (SPA) is important. We are currently part of the negotiations and we sit at the negotiation table; this is what the Sudanese streets expect. This what ‘Freedom, Peace, and Justice’ requires. How does peace stand for? How can achieve it? – We should seek answers. This is why the people attempting to sabotage this process must review their positions with all of this in mind. They should realise that the Sudanese people sacrificed their most valuable to achieve comprehensive and just peace. This is a very crucial matter. Within this context, I would like to praise the efforts made by the South Sudan government under the leadership of President Salva Kiir Mayardit as well as the efforts made by the Mediation Secretariat up to date under the current coronavirus Covid-19 situation. They have been making extreme efforts to continue the negotiations via video conferencing – these are great efforts which receive our support.
We also firmly hope that an agreement can be signed by the 20th of June as scheduled between the government and the Revolutionary Front (RF). This will open the opportunity to work on peace with other groups such as the (SPLA/M-N) under the leadership of Abdelaziz al-Hilu as well as (SLA/M) under the leadership of Abd Al-Wahid Mohamed Nour. I would also like to emphasise that Juba negotiation platform and the current Sudanese peace negotiations receive great support from regional and international communities: the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (the IGAD), United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (the UNAMID), United Nations (the UN) through other forms, the Troika, European Union (the EU)… all of these are efforts aimed at achieving sustainable peace. They are carrying out monitoring efforts within the Juba process. This is why, we as the (SPA), will not allow works of disruption.
Criticism is allowed, constructive criticism is allowed, and it is also allowed to fix some procedural issues; but, the Sudanese people will stand against any disruptive works taking any brand or formulae. Peace is a genuine demand for all of the peoples of the Sudan. We should seek to achieve peace regardless of the price. This is of course one of the priorities of Abdalla Hamdok’s government: achieving peace. This is also what we have agreed upon in all agreements: achieving peace in crucial within the period of six months.
It is right that there are subject and logistic complications delaying the process but this is the priority of the government. To those who call for the government to lead the path of the peace process; I do not speak for the government but I would like to assure you that the government is present in the Juba platform by the presence of real leadership and members of the cabinet. These government officials include: Cabinet Minister, Prime Minister, Federal Governance Minister, Minister of Justice, this is in addition to the undersecretaries of both the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Federal Governance… if this is not the government… what would be? – Unless there is an imaginative government in a parallel world.
We affirm all of these actions taken because they are connected to the streets, we are close to the streets because as I have mentioned, we are in the streets. We also need institutional reform inside the justice system. One year after the 3rd June massacre, we have witnessed the increasing demand for justice. Nonetheless, justice will not be served unless the institutional reform is carried out. I spoke on a platform days ago, calling for the return of discharged police officers and judicial personnel. There are lists of discharged persons to be returned to duty immediately without any delay or complications – this helps us achieve real justice.
In the (SPA), we have given the Sudanese people a promise to continue the struggle of the martyrs and their sacrifices. We promised to be present and seek to achieve the objectives they gave their lives for: Freedom, Peace, and Justice. Anyone seeking to disrupt this process or trying to call for the fall of the transitional government does not receive any of our support; we will not become a Trojan horse for the National Congress Party (NCP). We will not be a Trojan horse to be used by the remnants of the previous regime. This is our promise in the (SPA). If there are other people with a different vision, they should not use the name of the (SPA). This is the (SPA) that was at the heart of the revolution along with the masses of the people together with us. We will continue to be in the streets, we will be everywhere. We will never hesitate to protect our transitional government. We will support it all means possible and we will also support the peace process until peace is achieved. This is the (SPA) that resilient, strong, and courageous Sudanese people know. Thank you.
Mr. Taha Othamn
Al-salamu-alekum. Initially, all glory and prayers are due to the souls of the martyrs. Also, we would like to apologise to the masses of the Sudanese people about all of the failures of the (SPA) since the 11th of April up to date. We affirm that all these failures and the terrible image reflected are but the results of disputes and the results of the attempts at abducting/stealing the (SPA), which represents all of the Sudanese people, not just the professional bodies of which it is formed. The attempts at rebranding the (SPA) for the favour of a political group, better yet a political group within a political party, has been aimed at abducting the voice of the (SPA) and using it for the favour of said political group.
This started before the 11th of April, during the revolution, as the speaker before me have highlighted. We were always keen to maintain the unity of the Sudanese people. Moreover, seeking to carry out the missions of the revolutions by taking down the regime, we tried to find internal solutions. Despite our efforts, the issues continued after the 11th of April. Subsequently, we again sought internal solution. As a result, we agreed to an internal reform within the (SPA) including the restructuring of the (SPA) to be able to carry out the needed role and join the collective efforts with the other revolutionary forces to complete the mission of the December revolution. Nevertheless, the political party group that have been always trying to abduct the (SPA) had a different view including the employment of the (SPA) to serve its own favour.
What has happened on the 10th of May was the result of an accumulation of events that appeared as an iceberg. This caused the presence of (3) three positions inside the (SPA). The first position was to completely refuse any attempts made in any form at rebranding the (SPA) for the favour of any political party. This was evident in the positions and statements made by the bodies that have issued a shared statement. These bodies are the founding bodies of the (SPA) in addition to the other bodies that have joined after the foundation stage. There are also other 5 bodies that have refused the rebranding and proposed to find resolutions for the events of the 10th of May. There are also 7 bodies (actually 5 bodies plus other 2 bodies) in alignment with the political party group.
We also had meetings with all of the bodies. We send salutes to all the initiatives made by: the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), the Unions, the Engineers unions, medical laboratory personnel unions, the teachers unions, as well as the Central Committee of Pharmacists. We have all engaged in continuous dialogue to reach an agreement formula achieving independence and unity for the (SPA).
We all know that taking down the former regime would not have been done without our efforts made to establish as much unity as possible through the (SPA) and its Freedom and Change Declaration (FCD). The (FCD) was the result of the initiative form the (SPA). It gained approval from the professionals, the civilian forces, the political forces, and the masses of the Sudanese people. We moved forward with an initial stage including taking down the head of the regime. After that, there is more to be done. Our objectives cannot be achieved unless we are united. Some people may have forgotten. Maybe some are trying to steal the fruit halfway before we cross the path.
We must all affirm that the objectives of the revolution cannot be achieved without our unity; not only the unity of the (SPA), but the unity of the whole components of the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) and the revolutionary forces. We sat down with various initiatives and we agreed on a lot of matters. There are points of differences but we hope to eventually reach consensus sufficient to achieve the objectives of the (SPA). Furthermore, from our discussions and dialogue, we decided to address the issues of the passed period by forming a Code of Honour which includes main points: a) affirming the independence of the (SPA), b) stopping and refraining from the rebranding of the (SPA) for the benefit of any political party or political group, 3) the (SPA) must work with the other forces/groups to preserve the unity of the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), 4) to support the transitional government and all its institutions under the leadership of Dr. Hamdok to follow through with the missions of the transitional period; because realising the objectives of the transitional period: Freedom, Peace, and Justice cannot be achieved while we are divided; we should all work together along with the government and other forces of the revolution to achieve what we all strive and dream for, and 5) the Code of Honour also includes the consensus based collective work aimed at concluding a unions law enabling independent unions representative of the real grassroots of professionals rather than political party fronts.
Moreover, we have worked on a collective agreement and a vision aimed at resolving the issues inside the (SPA). This includes, First: the establishing of consensual steering leadership with the aim of holding deliberative conference for the (SPA) within (3) three months, Second: hold general assemblies for the different professional bodies before the said deliberative conference to make sure the (SPA) includes real bodies with commissioned by real grassroots to execute and implement and specific programme, Third: regularise all political party fronts according to the standardised measures approved for member bodies within the (SPA), Fourth: continue to work on passing the unions law and pave the way for free and fair elections that allows our country to regain a unions movement free of the domination from political parties.
During these times, we will work with the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), as I have mentioned, to achieve and realise the objectives of the transitional period. We also affirm that our position announced since the 10th of May up to date is the same position which initiated the idea of the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA). The largest amount (number) of professionals’ bodies to agree on one objective: contribute to the national causes. This is what we have gathered to achieve. We cannot achieve such objectives alone. None can achieve them alone. This can only achieved by establishing unity among the revolutionary forces, unity among the (FFC), and unity among the bodies forming the (SPA). This unity is built upon the independence of the (SPA) forming bodies. We cannot allow for the (SPA) to become a Trojan horse for any political party group or any entity/body which represents a political party entity. Regarding our position, we demand these bodies to be open and inclusive for their grassroots. This is not only for political party front, but also goes for bodies formed before the 11th of April. They must all hold general assemblies within 3 three months.
At the end, we apologise as I have mentioned. We affirm our commitment towards the unity of the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC). We also affirm our commitment to work with the (FFC), the (SPA), and all the revolutionary forces to achieve the objectives of the revolution and support the transitional government under the leadership of Dr. Abdalla Hamdok. Thanks.
Mohamed Nagi Al-Asam
Thank you very much. At the end, basically, we want to affirm the following: first we would like to again apologise for the terrible position we are facing in the (SPA) today. This is a crisis and there is a necessity to disclose it to the masses of the Sudanese people; to disclose the reasons behind it and the possible solution. I also think that the occurrence of such dispute is part of the democratic process. One of the reasons behind this dispute is that there was no any organised work in Sudan for 30 years. It is expected for such crises to occur. Nonetheless, we must all develop our mechanisms and our different ways of internal conflict and dispute management as well as conflict management in general.
The position highlighted was a position against the current peace process in Juba, an unexpected position from the (SPA). The (SPA) is expected to support the peace process since the parties to the peace negotiations agreed to the current platform and the conditions; it becomes irrational for the (SPA) to stop the peace process. It is completely natural for to provide criticism and attempts at reform. Nonetheless, to refuse and denounce the peace process is unexpected and unacceptable. Anyhow, the rebranding of the (SPA) done by a political party must stop. A strong (SPA) cannot exist and be able to address the masses of the people and contribute to the fulfilment of the revolution missions while being branded by the brand of a specific political party (or political party group) – this must stop completely.
As Mr. Taha have mentioned, we will work on reaching out to more different member persons and bodies of the (SPA) as to reach a minimum consensus sufficient to preserve the integrity and unity of the (SPA). The summary of our discourse is included in 3 three points. I want to say that the primary objective behind this media campaign/process is reform; we want to reform the (SPA) and preserve its unity since it is undergoing an increasingly big internal crisis.
The discourse for the solutions is within 3 three main points. The first would be the formation of a consensual temporary leadership without any attention to details regarding the nature of this leadership except the ability to lead the (SPA)… I would also like to say that there is somehow an agreement that all of the people that have appeared already will not be part of the new proposed leadership. This is to stop the way for any allegations of past coordination. A number of people submitted their resignation anyways. I even submitted my resignation few months ago. So, there is no any direction towards maintain our own positions in the leadership or anything like that. Nevertheless, the (SPA) is undergoing tragic events leading to the division and separation. There is no solution but a consensual temporary leadership inclusive to everyone. This leadership should be commissioned with specific missions including the management of issues within the (SPA) until the deliberative conference to ensure comprehensive dialogue inside the (SPA). The deliberative conference should discuss all the issues in details to reach agreed conclusions. This requires the review of political party fronts present and known within the (SPA) – we have given examples of those. They should widen their grassroots base to be representative of a wider and more diverse range of grassroots bases. Moreover, if agreement is reached regarding this way forward, all the bodies of the (SPA), without exceptions, must work on holding their general assemblies in order to widen their dialogue and representation abilities – again, this is with no exceptions for all of the bodies of the (SPA). Once more, thank you very much everyone. Thanks to Sudan News Agency (SUNA) platform and peace be upon you an Allah’s mercy and blessings.
--The end--
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