Al-Burhan and Hamdok Agreement: English Language Translation

 Political Agreement 

[The original language of this text is the Arabic language. This is an English language translation]

Taking into consideration the imminent dangers to both the country and the success of the Transitional Period; the results of the political conflicts between political forces, which developed into a serious threat to the unity, security, and stability of the country; as well as all the failed initiatives of mediation to contain the political situation — the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces made the decisions and arrangements of the 25th of October, 2021, emphasising that the current crisis is a political crisis at the core that requires serious wisdom and consideration of the national responsibilities. 

Therefore, both parties pledged to work together to complete the democratic correctional path towards serving the higher interest of the Sudan, avoiding the country’s slip into the unknown, maintaining security and safety, and ensuring the success of the Transitional Period which will lead to an elected civilian government. Such objective will only be fulfilled through the unity of the political forces, the revolutionary forces, the youth, the women, the resistance committees, the nomadic societies, and the Sudanese refugees and displaced persons. As an exit for the country from the current political crisis and based on the decisions made by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, both parties agreed to:

1. Emphasise the legitimacy of the 2019 Constitutional Document (amendment of 2020) as the main effective reference for the completion of the Transitional Period, with due consideration with regard to the special situation of Eastern Sudan, given that both parties will work together to address the situation within a national framework that will ensure stability in a way that is satisfactory for the people of the East.

2. Both parties stress the necessity to amend the Constitutional Document by means of accommodation to realise and ensure comprehensive and inclusive political participation from all sectors of society except the disbanded National Congress Party.

3. Both parties emphasise that the transitional partnership between the civilians and the military is the guarantee for the stability and security of the Sudan; therefore, both parties agreed to undertake the partnership with the right spirit and trust as to firmly commit to forming a civilian government of independent national experts (technocrats).

4. The Transitional Sovereignty Council will supervise the performance and fulfilment of the Transitional Period objectives stated in Article (8) of the Constitutional Document without direct interventions in the executive works of government.

5. Ensure the timely transition of power to an elected civilian government. 

6. Govern the Transitional Period based on a political declaration that sets the framework for the partnership between national forces (political and civilian forces), the military, traditional tribal leadership, resistance committees, active revolutionary forces, as well as the sectors of youth, women, and Sufi groups men. 

7. Investigate the events that took place during the protests including the injuries and deaths of civilians and military individuals as to prosecute the offenders in court.

8. Undertake the Juba Peace Agreement to fulfil the due arrangements and objectives and accommodate for the groups outside the agreement to become parties to the agreement. 

9. Accelerate the completion of all transitional governance institutions including the Transitional Legislative Council and the Constitutional Court in addition to the appointment of the Chief Justice and the Attorney General as well as the establishing of national commissions and other transitional institutions. All such institutions will undertake the relevant duties within specific timeframes.

10. Set in motion an extended and transparent dialogue between all political, societal, and active revolutionary forces as a base for the Constitutional Conference. 

11. Both parties confirm the need to restructure the 30th of June regime disempowerment committee (the Disempowerment, Corruption Control, and Asset Recovery Committee) after review of its performance during the preceding period. This also includes adding relevant persons with the appropriate qualifications and experience necessary to undertake and perform the duties of the committee based on fairness and effectiveness. In addition to the activation of the appeals committee, given that its decisions can be reviewed based on the legal levels of litigation.

12. Release all political prisoners.

13. Work to build a unified national army. 

14. Signing this political declaration will cancel the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces decision to relief the Transitional Prime Minister.

Staff Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan
Chairman of the Sovereignty Council

Dr. Abdalla Hamdok
Transitional Prime Minister 

**official seal of the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council of the Republic of Sudan**

This agreement was signed on:
Rabi’ II 16, 1443 AH (Islamic Hijri Calendar).
November 21st, 2021 (Gregorian Calendar).


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