الترجمة الانجليزية لقصيدة محمود درويش "من أنا بعد ليل الغريبة" — The English language translation of Mahmoud Darwish Poem “Who Am I After The Stranger’s Night?”

Who Am I After The Stranger’s Night

By Mahmoud Darwish 
Translated from Arabic to English by Mohammed Attiya

Who am I after the stranger's night?

I stop dreaming,

Scared of the day's mystery,

Scared of the sun neglecting the roses, 

Of my fountain's water, [...]

Of my language...

Scared of the breeze moving around a scared willow,


Scared of the dense clarity of time!

Of the present that is no more [present],

Scared of passing by a world no more mine.


Oh desperation, be a mercy 

Death, be a blessing for the stranger 

Who the future he sees clearer

Than a reality no longer a reality


I will fall from a star in the sky

To a pavilion by the road, 

To… Where?

Where is the path to anything?

I see the future clearer than a road no longer mine


Who am I after the stranger's night?

I moved towards I in the others 

Little did I know;

I lost I and the others...

My horse, in the Atlantic Coast, vanished My horse, in the Mediterranean Coast, Sheathed the Crusader's spear into me!


Who am I after the stranger's night?

Oh future,

Back to my brothers, near my old home's palm, I cannot return

Nor can I fall into the bottom of my abyss!

Love cannot find a heart,

Love cannot find a heart for me to rest [in],

After the stranger's night.


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